The Commodore Public services West Chester 1992 USA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Brief note about these going on in Commodore (Amiga Shopper march 1992): News for canada In reading your December issue of Amiga Shopper, I felt obliged to write you this letter concerning third-party developments of 24-bit graphic cards and 16 bit sound cards. Although it is very exciting to see such enthusiasm put into the Amiga market from these companies, a nice tip should go to potential buyers: Commodore has developed a newer chip set to handle graphics and sound (and i'm not talking about the ECS). Of cause,the management team at commodore have had a policy, that started 2 years ago, not to talk about new products until they were ready for release, so don't expect any more details. The new graphics chip set, as conceived, should be displaying 4,096 colours in standard modes and possess a new HAM mode displaying 65,536 colours at once. Those of us who need true colour for applications can buy plug-in cords to get that kind of resolution and colour. A faster Agnus should be expected, to cope with the extra bitplanes, and the Mega-Denise. As for sound, Commodore in cooperation with ROLAND, has devised a "SUPER PAULA", which will put the Amiga at the top musically. This chip will feature 16-bit sound, exceeding CD sampling rates, over 16 voices in 8 stereo channels. Nothing was said about DSP (Digital Sound Processing), although the technology and know-how is readily available by ROLAND. These Will be the new standards all software will be conforming to once the chips are available. They won't threaten 24-bit developers, and they will inject new life in the poor-by-today's-standards Amiga graphics. These projects were put together over a year and a half ago, just like the 2.04 ROMS (shipping since November), so we should hear about a shipping date in early 1992 for thes products. I don't feel it will put the Amiga in the same position as the STE, as this will be offered as an upgrade kit for existing Amigas, and from my experience i can say they will sell like hot cakes, as this is what Amiga owners have been begging for since the A300. A Canadian Spy (Working at Commodore USA) Canada SILICON GRAPHICS March 1992